INDONESIA UPDATED. DPRD Sumatera Selatan menyetujui anggaran Rp 80 miliar untuk tambahan
biaya penyelenggaraan Islamic Solidarity Games (ISG) III di Palembang,
Sumatera Selatan, 22 September-1 Oktober 2013. Tambahan dana itu
diajukkan oleh Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KONI) Sumsel karena
pemerintah pusat hanya akan mengucurkan hanya Rp 80 miliar dari rencana
awal Rp 200 miliar.
Anggota Badan Anggaran DPRD Sumsel, Yuswar
Hidayatullah, dalam penjelasannya di Palembang, kemarin, menyebutkan
pihaknya bersama KONI tengah mematangkan perincian penggunaan anggaran
ittu. “Kami siapkan dana hingga Rp 80 milar sesuai dengan kebutuhan
Panitia Daerah,” kata Yuswar.
Dia jelaskan lebih lanjut bahwa
dana tersebut untuk merehabilitasi tempat-tempat pertandingan, membangun
lapangan panahan baru, dan kepanitiaan. "Perinciannya hingga sekarang
masih kami bahas."
Dengan disetujuinya tambahan dana itu,m
Panitia Daerah kian optimistis ISG III akan berlangsung lebih sukses
dibandingkan dengan SEA Games 2011 di Sumatera Selatan. Apalagi
Keputusan Presiden terkait dengan penunjukan Palembang sebagai tuan
rumah ISG sudah ditandatangani.
Pada kesempatan terpisah, Ketua
KONI Sumsel, Muddai Madang, mengungkapkan pihaknya sempat
mengkhawatirkan keterlambatan pengesahan Keppres. ”Kami bersyukur karena
dana dan Keppres sudah ada. Kami dapat segera bertindak cepat,” kata
KONI memprioritaskan renovasi tempat-tempat pertandingan,
pembangunan lapangan arena, dan mempersiapkan liason officer
(pendamping pejabat dan tamu) dan sukarelawan. Panitia membutuhkan
sedikitnya 40 liasion officer (LO) untuk VIP dan 150 LO biasa. ”Kami
juga membutuhkan seribu relawan lebih,” kata Muddai.
persiapan tempat-tempat pertandingan, Muddai menyebutkan tidak ada
persoalan serius. Terdapat 13 cabang olahraga yang akan dipertandingkan
pada pesta olahraga negara-negara anggota Organisasi Konferensi Islam
(OKI) itu. Dari jumlah itu, ada tiga cabang olahraga akan digelar di
luar Jakabaring Sport City, Palembang. Ketiga cabang olahrag itu
adalah bola voli, bola basket, dan wushu.
Dengan demikian ada
10 cabang olahraga yang akan dipertandingkan di Jakabaring, yaitu sepak
bola, renang, atletik, angkat besi, panahan, tenis, bulutangkis, bola
voli pantai, taekwondo, dan karate.
ISG III semula direncanakan
digelar di Riau, 9-17 Juni lalu, namun diundur menjadi 22 September
hingga 1 Oktober 2013. Pengunduran ini akibat belum siapnya
tempat-tempat pertandingan. Selain itu juga karea Gubernur Riau, Rusli
Zainal, ditetapkan sebagai tersangka dan ditahan dalam kasus dugaan
Menpora kemudian berencana mengalihkan tempat
penyelenggaraan ISG III di Jakarta, 22 September hingga 1 Oktober. Namun
rencana kedua ini pun batal, karena tidak disetujui Menko Kesra.
Melalui rapat koordinasi Menpora dengan Menko Kesra, akhirnya disetuji Palembag sebagai tuan rumah penyelenggaranya.
31 Jul 2013
16 Jul 2013
10 Hotels in Sumatra Prepared for ISG
South Sumatra Governor Alex Nurdin says there will be 10 hotels that can be used for the purposes of Islamic Solidarity Games (ISG) third. The fourth annual event will be held on 22 September to 1 October.
8 Jul 2013
Brunei Darussalam (BRU)
Official Name: Nation of Brunei | Common Name : Brunei Darussalam | Capital : Bandar Seri Begawan | President : Hassanal Bolkiah | Prime Minister : Artur Rasizade | Width of State : 5,765 km2 | Population : 408,786
Force Prediction for Brunei Darussalam in ISG 2013
The 22nd SEA Games in 1999, Brunei was hosting the multi-events in their capital city, Bandar Seri Begawan. The status of being the host did not benefit Brunei’s force in any way. By ranking they managed to victor the 7th position by gains of 4 golds, 12 silvers and 31 bronzes. While on the 26th South East Asia SEA Games in Palembang City of South Sumatera Province, Brunei was the “keyholder” or last on the list.
Nowadays Brunei has endeavored to enhance their sporting achievements. For the upcoming 30th SEA Games they will host (for the second time). The slogan that they surge is “surpassing the top”. For the Olympic-level multi-event, Brunei has already participated 4 times; namely 1996-Atlanta (1 athlete), 2000-Sydney (2 athletes), 2004-Athena (1 athletes), 2008-Beijing (absent), dan 2012-London (3 athletes).
For the upcoming ISG 2013, veterans of the 2012 Olympics will be featured by Brunei. The team will comprise Ak Hafiy Tajuddin Rositi and Maziah Mahusin (athletics), as well as Anderson Lim (swimming). In actuality Brunei is known to be the home of billiard maestros, whereas a royal of Brunei’s Sultanry, Prince Muhtadee Billah, had the chance to represent his country in Asia Games 2010 in Guanzhou. Unfortunately billiard shall not be contested during the 2013 ISG.
Other champions that will represent Brunei for the 3rd ISG 2013 will come from karate and wushu that have each contributed silvers in the 26th SEA Games on 2011, namely from the figures Mohamad Fadilah (karate 67 kg) and the wushu team strengthened by Ang Guat Lian, Dk Nur Wardina binti Pg Hj Aji, Md Sufi Shayiran bin Roslan, Mohammad Adi Sya’rani bin Roslan, and Mohammad Aso Salihan bin Roslan.
*Compiled by Sportnews Magazine, South Sumatera Sports Committee (KONI Sumsel)
Indonesia (INA)
Capital : Jakarta | President : Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono | Width of State : 1,904,569 km2 | Population : 237,424,363
Force Prediction for Indonesia in ISG 2013
As the host, Indonesia is determined to champion the third ISG – 2013. Depicting the first ISG on 2005, Indonesia finished on the 18th position by scoring 1 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronzes. Indonesia lost from Malaysia that finished on the 7th position by gains of 5 golds, 5 silvers and 6 bronzes.
For the third ISG – 2013, it will take a long way for Indonesia to reach medals due to the situation of acquiring only 1 silver (contributed by Triyatno) and 1 bronze (Eko Yuli Irawan) in London on the 2012 Olympics. Badminton remains one of the favored sports that despite lacking success in contributing medals during the 2012 Olympics, yet has generated Indonesia 5 golds, 4 silvers and two bronzes in the 26th South East Asian Games.
Indonesia’s badminton trusties for the third ISG will comprise 2 pairs world champions from the World Badminton Championship in Guangzhou, just a month ago (August 2013); Tantowi Ahmad/ Lilyana Natsir and Hendra Setiawan/ Muhammad Ahsan. Indonesia’s badminton force will also receive fortification by Simon Santoso; Adriyanti Firdasari and Vita Marrisa. Swimming will be an expectation for Indonesia as well, by the reliance towards I Gede Siman Sudartawa and Glen Victor.
For athletics Indonesia will count on Triyaningsih, Jauhari Johan, Franklin Burumi, Heru Astriyanto, Agus Prayogo, Ridwan and Yahuza. While for archery, Ika Yuliana maintains her status of being irreplaceable. She will be supported by two gold winners in the SEA Games 2011; I Gusti Nyoman Puruhito and Erwina Safitri.
For basketball, beach volleyball and indoor volleyball, karate, taekwondo, court tennis and wushu, Indonesia doesn’t put up too many expectations–for having no noticeable force in the branches–in addition to preserving the concentration of their athletes for participation in the 27th SEA Games in Nay Pyi Daw, Myanmar, December 11-22 this very year.
However, the hope of gaining medals from those sports cannot be said to be nonexistent, for it is possible–out of expectations–to retrieve medals from them in ISG 2013. Particularly in beach volleyball that had contributed gold in the 26th SEA Games 2011. Wushu figure of Indonesia, Ivana Irmanto, also stands a chance, for the seizure of a silver in the 2010 Asian Games. Similar expectation is also reasonable for taekwondo, whereas Indonesia had gained 9 golds, 5 silvers and 13 bronzes in the Asian Taekwondo Championship XI in Nay Pyi Daw, Myanmar, which was concluded quite recently; 12th May 2013.
While for football, so far Indonesia’s National Team has been less than convincing in their performances. Is it most unfortunate that there will be no dragonboat sporting for ISG 2013 for it could yield golds for Indonesia, again, after the victory of securing 3 golds and 3 silvers–making them the ultimate victor–in the last Asian Games (2010).
–Compiled by Sportnews Magazine, South Sumatera Sports Committee (KONI Sumsel)
Malaysia (MYS)
Force Prediction for Malaysia in ISG 2013
There had been three South Asian Nations that partook in the first ISG on 2005. They were Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam. Amongst the three, the Jiran Land–nickname for Malaysia–was the brightest performer. They surprisingly made it all the way to the 7th rank by gains of 5 golds, 5 silvers and 6 bronzes.
For the level of SEA Games, Malaysia’s presence is pretty alarming for others. It is for sure that for the last 2 editions, Malaysian football consecutively championed. Occupying the 4th abode by securing 59 golds, 50 silvers and 81 bronzes has been showing that Malaysia has a mighty sporting power for South East Asian level. In the scale of Asian Games, Malaysia had proven they still deserve to keep the predicate, as they were one of the 10 ten victors of the Asian Games 2010.
In the light of these, for the upcoming third ISG – 2013, Malaysia should be considered seriously. They will remain performing with their full power. It is likely for Malaysia to deploy their favored badminton figure; Lee Ching Wei, who had retrieved silver on the last Olympics (2012), as well as the gold-grabbing male double in Asian Games 2010, Koo Kien Keat/Tan Boon Heong. For archery, Malaysians will retain reliance on 4 figures; Cheng Shu Sian; Haziq Kamaruddin; Khairul Anwar Muhammad and Nurul Shafiqah Hasyim.
Malaysia is also ready to send their famous figures in athletics. Amongst them will be Lee Hup Wei who championed Asia on 2006 in the long jump discipline. We will also see Noraseela Khalid, the gold grabber in SEA Games 2011 for the 400 meters discipline. While for swimming, Malaysia is ready to show off Heidi Gan and Khoo Cai Lin.
Their other veterans from 2011 SEA Games are likely to be deployed again, like Chai Fong Yin (wushu gold-grabber) and Tai Cheui Xuen (wushu bronze-securer); Ku Jin Keat and Puvaneswaran Ramasamy (gold grabber in karate); Jamaliah Jamaluddin and Yamini Gopalasamy (silver achiever for karate). And their swimmers will be Daniel Bego, Khoo Cai Lin and Leung Chi Lin.
In regard to football, Malaysia appears to be going realistic. It is predicted that the third ISG – 2013 will be an occasion of try out for their U-32 national team. Their primary focus will be to champion the 27th South East Asian Games 2013 in Naypiday, Myanmar. If they managed to secure victory in that event also, Malaysia will be a history maker for casting hat trick of championing three consecutive events. They have previously championed football in 2009 as well as 2011 SEA Games establishments.
Compiled by Sportnews Magazine, South Sumatera Sports Committee (KONI Sumsel)
Pakistan (PAK)
Official Name : Islamic Republic of Pakistan | Common Name : Pakistan
Capital : Islamabad | President : Asif Ali Zardari | Prime Minister : Nawaz Sharif | Width of State : 796,095 km2 | Population : 180,440,005
Pakistan on Wikipedia
Force Prediction for Pakistan in ISG 2013
Pakistan’s prowess was noted during the Pan Arab Games on 2011. However in the first ISG on 2005, they seized 11th position by gains of 3 golds and 1 bronze. Pakistan actually performed beyond expectations in the 2010 Asian Games by grabbing 3 golds, 2 silvers and 3 bronzes. But most of these medal-generating sports for Pakistan will not be contested in the third ISG.
In the 2010 Asian Games, Pakistan’s golds were retrieved from cricket, squash and hockey. In the ISG 2013, Pakistanis put their hopes up on wushu, which contributed silver in the 2010 Asian Games by the figure Ijazx Ahmed.
Pakistan also relies on 2 veteran athletes from the 2012 Olympics; Liaquat Ali and Rabia Ashiq. Both of them will be further supported by Pakistan’s other athletic figures such as Ghulam Raziq, Mubarak Shah, John Permal, Muhammad Talib, Ahmed Sajjad Cheema, Abid Hussain, Arshad Saleem, Ali Kamani, Nawaz, Mohammad Alam and Muhammad Younis.
Pakistan’s female basketball team must also be considered for their potential to win, after acquiring a predicate in National Women Basketball Championship. Pakistanis will also be reliant on karate in ISG 2013, recalling that most medals owned by Pakistan in 2010 South Asian (SAF) Games in New Delhi, India, contributed mostly by karate.
Still in the SAF Games on 2010, Pakistan marked themself as the runner up by seizing 19 golds, 25 silvers and 36 bronzes. Pakistan’s favored karatekas that will take part in ISG 2013 are Ghulam Ali and Saadi Abbas.
Compiled by Sportnews Magazine, South Sumatera Sports Committee (KONI Sumsel)
Tajikistan (TJK)
Official Name : Republic of Tajikistan | Common Name : Tajikistan | Capital : Dushanbe | President : Emomalii Rahmon | Prime Minister : Oqil Oqilov | Width of State : 143,100 km2 | Population : 7,564,500 | Tajikistan on Wikipedia
Force Prediction for Tajikistan in ISG 2013
Acquiring a gold along with 1 bronze in the first ISG on 2005 has earned Tajikistan the 19th position. Not dwelling on disappointments, Tajikistan had improved their situation to a slightly higher degree. The evidence for this claim can and have been seen in the last Asian Games (2010) whereas Tajikistan secured a gold and 3 bronzes. The gold was grabbesd by Dilshod Nazarov (athletics) while the 3 bronzes were coming from the hard work of Rasul Boqiev (judo); Murodjon Tuychiev (wrestling) and Jakhon Qurbonov (boxing). Unfortunately judo, wrestling and boxing will not be contested in ISG 2013.
Yet it is reasonable for Tajikistan to expect medals from other sports, like swimming, whereas they will rely on the deployment of Katerina Izmaylova, Farkhod Negmatov and Alisher Gulov. Athletics will also receive strengthening from Vladislava Ovcharenko. All of these are veterans from the 2012 Olympics.
For karate, one of Tajikistan’s strong points will be their gold grabber in the East Asia-Pacific Karate-Do Championships on 2007 in Dushambe. While for taekwondo, their reliance will be rested on the shoulders of Masrour Sattorov, Daler Sharifi, Rustam Ulmasov and Shahlo Muhammadrahimova who have secured 8 golds in the ITF World Championships on 2007.
For football, Tajikistan has not been known to be tense-inducing. Regardless, they had their moment of glory in the AFC Challenge Cup by seizing the champion title on 2006, runner up on 2008, and third position in the 2010 establishment.
Compiled by Sportnews Magazine, South Sumatera Sports Committee (KONI Sumsel)
6 Jul 2013
The 3rd Islamic Solidarity Games 2013
The Islamic Solidarity Games is a multinational, multi-sport
event. The Games involve the elite athletes of the Organisation of the
Islamic Conference. The Islamic Solidarity Games Federation (ISSF) is
the organisation that is responsible for the direction and control of
the Islamic Solidarity Games
ISG first event held in 2005 in Saudi Arabia and this time there were 57 members of the Organization of Islamic Conference. Non-Muslim citizens in member states are also allowed to take part in the Olympics.
The second ISG event was originally scheduled to take place in October 2009 in Iran, and then re-scheduled to be implemented in April 2010, was canceled after a dispute between Iran and the Arab World for the use of the term Persian Gulf on the logo for the Olympics, because few countries in the world Arabs used the term “Arabian Gulf” to refer to the Persian Gulf. Disputes over the name has become a source of disharmony between the Arab countries and Iran.
3rd ISG 2013
The 3rd ISG events will take place on 22 September to 1 October 2013 in Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia. South Sumatra was appointed to host the SEA Games XXVI/2011 have gained legal protection in the form of an official determination of the ISG as the host of the president through Presidential Decree (Decree) on July 29, 2013. Executive committee has been formed to run this event with the official website
ISG 2013 followed by 44 participating countries which will feature 13 sports are: athletics, swimming, archery, badminton, basketball, soccer, karate, taekwondo, tennis, volleyball, beach volleyball, weightlifting and wushu. That recorded about 1,743 athletes, officials, 589 people will take part in the event. ISG sporting event itself begins a week before the opening of which is from September 15, 2013.
Indonesian target in the ISG III is to improve the achievement of the first ISG at Saudi Arabia in 2005. In that event Indonesia reach 18th ranked with one gold, one silver, two bronze.
3 Jul 2013
Sports & Venue
The 3rd Islamic Solidarity Games is an international sporting event scheduled to be held in Palembang, Indonesia from September 22 to October 1, 2013.
Looking for the venue? Here is it.
Looking for the venue? Here is it.
Baring Atheletics Stadium
Baring Swimming Stadium
Baring near Softball Field
Dempo Jaka Baring
PSCC Palembang
Baring Swimming Stadium
Bumi Sriwijaya
Promotion Center (SPC)
Promotion Center (SPC)
Barang Tennis Court
Baring Volley Arena
Serbaguna Jakabaring
Baring Gymnastic Hall
Palembang Trip
Besides Musi River and the splendor of Ampera Bridge in Palembang City, South Sumatera Province also possesses a series of other must-see destinations of interest.
1. Ampera Bridge
As a landmark, the bridge is indeed admired by many. Belonging to the length of 1,117 meters and 22 meters in width, Ampera Bridge sits as number one landmark of Palembang, surpassing various other sites in terms of popularity.
Ampera Bridge was inaugurated by the first president of Indonesia; Soekarno, in 1965 and was the largest in Southeast Asia at the time. This bridge connects Seberang Ulu (Upper Riverbank) and Seberang Ilir (Lower Riverbank) areas separated by Musi River. In addition to being utilized as an interface/connector between the city’s two areas, Ampera has now been transformed into a lovely destination of visit.
With its beautiful architecture and Musi as its underlaying river, Ampera is an enticing attraction for tourists to take photographs. The beauty of Ampera Bridge becomes even more radiant at night time. Dozens of beautiful lights adorn the bridge, giving reason for beholders to be amazed.
Whenever you feel peckish or even hungry, riverbanks of Musi can be a favorable option for your culinary-tourism destination, with dishes of various typical Palembang menus, such as pempek (fishball in spicy dark sauce), celimpungan (fishball in greenish coco-milk soup), pindang patin (catfish-like freshwater fish in clear soup), and a host of other delicacies.
2. Gelora Sriwijaya
If Jakarta has Gelora Bung Karno Stadium; Palembang also has a landmark stadium, named the Gelora Sriwijaya in Jakabaring Sport City (JSC). The site is regularly used as a sports center in Palembang; as well as a favorite destination for sporting tourists. The site also belongs to a lake that is frequently utilized by local tourists to have picnic or mere hangout with their friends and families. The lake was the venue for water skiing sport during the South East Asian (SEA) Games on 2011. The vicinity has park benches, making it a fun and comfortable hang-out place in the afternoon. In addition to enjoying beautiful view of the lake, you can exercise and jog around the lake.
3. Kemaro (Ever Dry) Island
In the middle of Musi River, there is a fairly large island known as Kemaro or Everdry Island. The name was given to depict the situation of despite being in the middle of the river, Kemaro has never been flooded or always dry (kemarau). Chinese nuances is quite thick in the air of the Kemaro Island.
The site is suitable for tourism destination that can be visited especially during Lunar New Year celebrations (Chinese New Year). The Island bears a large pagoda of 9 levels, as well as a temple. More to be noted, the island also has unique sites of attraction, such as the “love tree” and tomb of Princess Siti Fatimah; (of a former ruler in Palembang).
The Chinese Temple in Kemaro Island is named Hok Tjing Rio temple, with red painting of the towering pagoda among the green trees, making it easy to spot. Walking to the other side of the island, that’s where you will find the 2006-built 9-storeys pagoda which is the island’s main attraction. It is considerably high (in comparison to other building on the Islands), making the pagoda appears to be towering the island’s centre.
4. Kuto Besak (Big Gate) Fortress
Kuto Besak Fortress was initially a palace building in which during the eighteenth century utilized the central of Palembang Darussalam’s Sultanate. It is located in Jalan Sultan Mahmud Badarudin, or about one and a half miles Northwest of Ampera Bridge. Tourists can visually enjoy the old building that is still appearing firm and magnificent. In addition, travelers can surely witness the beauty of Musi River, since Kuto Besak Fort is located just on its bank.
In the afternoon, the panorama will look even better, when sunset is sparkling on the river’s surface and rendering it to look even more beautiful with the reflection of the nearby Ampera Bridge.
next page
1. Ampera Bridge

Ampera Bridge was inaugurated by the first president of Indonesia; Soekarno, in 1965 and was the largest in Southeast Asia at the time. This bridge connects Seberang Ulu (Upper Riverbank) and Seberang Ilir (Lower Riverbank) areas separated by Musi River. In addition to being utilized as an interface/connector between the city’s two areas, Ampera has now been transformed into a lovely destination of visit.
With its beautiful architecture and Musi as its underlaying river, Ampera is an enticing attraction for tourists to take photographs. The beauty of Ampera Bridge becomes even more radiant at night time. Dozens of beautiful lights adorn the bridge, giving reason for beholders to be amazed.
Whenever you feel peckish or even hungry, riverbanks of Musi can be a favorable option for your culinary-tourism destination, with dishes of various typical Palembang menus, such as pempek (fishball in spicy dark sauce), celimpungan (fishball in greenish coco-milk soup), pindang patin (catfish-like freshwater fish in clear soup), and a host of other delicacies.
2. Gelora Sriwijaya
If Jakarta has Gelora Bung Karno Stadium; Palembang also has a landmark stadium, named the Gelora Sriwijaya in Jakabaring Sport City (JSC). The site is regularly used as a sports center in Palembang; as well as a favorite destination for sporting tourists. The site also belongs to a lake that is frequently utilized by local tourists to have picnic or mere hangout with their friends and families. The lake was the venue for water skiing sport during the South East Asian (SEA) Games on 2011. The vicinity has park benches, making it a fun and comfortable hang-out place in the afternoon. In addition to enjoying beautiful view of the lake, you can exercise and jog around the lake.

In the middle of Musi River, there is a fairly large island known as Kemaro or Everdry Island. The name was given to depict the situation of despite being in the middle of the river, Kemaro has never been flooded or always dry (kemarau). Chinese nuances is quite thick in the air of the Kemaro Island.
The site is suitable for tourism destination that can be visited especially during Lunar New Year celebrations (Chinese New Year). The Island bears a large pagoda of 9 levels, as well as a temple. More to be noted, the island also has unique sites of attraction, such as the “love tree” and tomb of Princess Siti Fatimah; (of a former ruler in Palembang).
The Chinese Temple in Kemaro Island is named Hok Tjing Rio temple, with red painting of the towering pagoda among the green trees, making it easy to spot. Walking to the other side of the island, that’s where you will find the 2006-built 9-storeys pagoda which is the island’s main attraction. It is considerably high (in comparison to other building on the Islands), making the pagoda appears to be towering the island’s centre.
4. Kuto Besak (Big Gate) Fortress

Kuto Besak Fortress was initially a palace building in which during the eighteenth century utilized the central of Palembang Darussalam’s Sultanate. It is located in Jalan Sultan Mahmud Badarudin, or about one and a half miles Northwest of Ampera Bridge. Tourists can visually enjoy the old building that is still appearing firm and magnificent. In addition, travelers can surely witness the beauty of Musi River, since Kuto Besak Fort is located just on its bank.
In the afternoon, the panorama will look even better, when sunset is sparkling on the river’s surface and rendering it to look even more beautiful with the reflection of the nearby Ampera Bridge.
next page
Palembang Trip 02
5. Musi River
Kali Musi Palembang SumatraAfter visiting Kemaro Island and Kuto Besak Fortress, it is now the time to enjoy the panorama along Musi River. Functioning not just a transportation route for the people of Palembang, Musi River possesses 750 km length and is also a must-see tourism destination if you are traveling to Palembang, the City of Pempek.
One of the traditional way of enjoying the view of Musi is a by going along its body with “ketek”; is a traditional wooden boat of Palembang. These ketek vehicles can be hired in the small pier/ harbor under Ampera. No need to worry about the tariff, because the price proposed by the operator is usually open for negotiation. The smarter you are in bargaining, of course the cheaper the cost will get.
6. Grand Mosque (Masjid Agung) of Palembang
Palembang Grand Mosque is one of the heritages from the Darussalam Sultanate of Palembang. The mosque has been marked as the center (0 kilometer) of Palembang City. It was built in a time period spanning from 1738 to 1748 by Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I, also known as Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Wikramo Jaya. On its initial build, the palace covers ??1,080 square meters (about 0.26 acres), capacitating up to 1,200 jamaah. The land was then expanded by Sayid Umar bin Muhammad Assegaf Altoha and Sayid Shaykh Ahmad bin under the leadership of Prince Sahab Nataagama Karta Mangala Mustafa Ibnu Raden Kamaluddin.
From the year 1819 to 1821, a few renovations were conducted by the Dutch Colonial Government. After that era, further expansions were done in 1893, 1916, 1950, 1970, and the last in 1990. The mosque is very typical of Palembang tradition. Most of the wood contained in the architecture of the mosque has typical Palembang carvings called “Laker”. Today, the original building of the mosque is located within the new building, inaugurated by the fifth President of Indonesia; Megawati Sukarnoputri. The shorter of the two towers is the only part that retains originality from initial build. Also to be noted, the mosque was initially surrounded by Musi River; it is an interesting site to visit.
7. Punti Kayu Tourism (Pine) Forest
Kayu Tourism Forest is the only tourism forest in Palembang, located 6
kilometers from the city center. The forest is a conservation area
employeing the developmental concept on the principles of protecting
biological diversity of plants and animals.
Punti Kayu’s features range from panoramic pine forests (pine mercussi) which has aesthetic value as attractive scenery, as well as a mini zoo with wild animals; long-tailed monkey (Macaca fasicicularis), monkeys (Macaca nemistriana) etc.
There are a horseback arena, elephant area, flower garden, children’s playground, a boat dock, a children’s pool, a suspension bridge, open stage, and marquees as well. In addition to the zoo, this attraction also has a crocodile farm, and is known to be the largest city pine forest in Indonesia.
8. Songket (traditional cloth of Palembang) Center in Tanggo Buntung
is typical Palembang fabric/ cloth. The making of songket in this
particular area has been going on since the 1700s, gradually improving
to be the central area for business as well as the largest songket craft
centre. Here, you can choose from a lot of stores that display their
eye-catching collection of songket. Not only as cloth, songket is
nowadays already set up in such a way that provides a variety of forms
such as shirts, dresses, bags and even shoes and so forth. Aside from
songket, in this area is where you can find typical souvenir of
Palembang, directly from the crafters. Some songket stores here among
others are Cek Ipah, Cek Ilah, Fikri Collection, Zainal Songket, and
previous | next

Kali Musi Palembang SumatraAfter visiting Kemaro Island and Kuto Besak Fortress, it is now the time to enjoy the panorama along Musi River. Functioning not just a transportation route for the people of Palembang, Musi River possesses 750 km length and is also a must-see tourism destination if you are traveling to Palembang, the City of Pempek.
One of the traditional way of enjoying the view of Musi is a by going along its body with “ketek”; is a traditional wooden boat of Palembang. These ketek vehicles can be hired in the small pier/ harbor under Ampera. No need to worry about the tariff, because the price proposed by the operator is usually open for negotiation. The smarter you are in bargaining, of course the cheaper the cost will get.
6. Grand Mosque (Masjid Agung) of Palembang
Palembang Grand Mosque is one of the heritages from the Darussalam Sultanate of Palembang. The mosque has been marked as the center (0 kilometer) of Palembang City. It was built in a time period spanning from 1738 to 1748 by Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I, also known as Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Wikramo Jaya. On its initial build, the palace covers ??1,080 square meters (about 0.26 acres), capacitating up to 1,200 jamaah. The land was then expanded by Sayid Umar bin Muhammad Assegaf Altoha and Sayid Shaykh Ahmad bin under the leadership of Prince Sahab Nataagama Karta Mangala Mustafa Ibnu Raden Kamaluddin.
From the year 1819 to 1821, a few renovations were conducted by the Dutch Colonial Government. After that era, further expansions were done in 1893, 1916, 1950, 1970, and the last in 1990. The mosque is very typical of Palembang tradition. Most of the wood contained in the architecture of the mosque has typical Palembang carvings called “Laker”. Today, the original building of the mosque is located within the new building, inaugurated by the fifth President of Indonesia; Megawati Sukarnoputri. The shorter of the two towers is the only part that retains originality from initial build. Also to be noted, the mosque was initially surrounded by Musi River; it is an interesting site to visit.
7. Punti Kayu Tourism (Pine) Forest

Punti Kayu’s features range from panoramic pine forests (pine mercussi) which has aesthetic value as attractive scenery, as well as a mini zoo with wild animals; long-tailed monkey (Macaca fasicicularis), monkeys (Macaca nemistriana) etc.
There are a horseback arena, elephant area, flower garden, children’s playground, a boat dock, a children’s pool, a suspension bridge, open stage, and marquees as well. In addition to the zoo, this attraction also has a crocodile farm, and is known to be the largest city pine forest in Indonesia.
8. Songket (traditional cloth of Palembang) Center in Tanggo Buntung

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Palembang Trip 03
9. Kambang Iwak Recreational Area
This park was established in the Dutch Colonial period, in line with the plan of the Regent (Mayor) of Palembang at that time who wanted to transform Palembang as a garden city similar to Bandung City in East Java, which had already became a famously beautiful garden city amongst the Dutch East Indies. That was why in year 1900, Talang Semut area was transformed “as green as possible” by planting large trees that shade. There is also a park built as a gathering place and recreation place for Dutch citizens who lived in Palembang. Even until now, the shady trees still stands strong, giving the beautiful green atmosphere to the region. The area also features colonial architecture houses which make Talang Semut and Kambang Iwak Park of the favorite places of Palembang residents to unwind/ hangout or have picnics.
10. Kampung Kapitan (Captain’s Village)
Kampung Kapitan is located in the First Upper Riverbank District of Palembang, in the riverbank of Musi. The village has a still-visible long story of acculturation that has occurred since hundreds of years ago. This place is a symbol of diversity and harmony between religious communities and citizens of various customs and ethnics. Upon entering this 20-hectares area, we will feel as if we stood in the old days of Palembang’s life during 16th to 18th centuries. Many ancient buildings are still authentic, surviving in the midst of recent modernization; whereas the unique architecture of the building has stood for about about 2 centuries long.
One of the uniqueness of the houses in Kampung Kapitan is on their design which is a mix of architectural styles from the Netherlands, Palembang and China. “Kapitan” itself comes from calling given to a Chinese Captain in Palembang by the name Tjoa Ham Hin. He was the last Chinese Captain who lived in the former kingdom of Srivijaya. Viewing Ham Hin’s ancesstral lineage, it can be concluded that this village had existed even before 1850 BC; as he was the tenth generation from the first settlers. You can walk around and see the Kapitan Village comprising 15 groups of house buildings on stilts. The most interesting is the third Kapitan’s ancient house overlooking Musi River.
11. Tourism Museums
Sriwijaya Museum Archaeological Park or formerly known as Karanganyar Archeological Site is a former settlement area comprising parks and gardens associated with the Srivijaya Kingdom located North of Musi in Palembang, South Sumatera. In this area, a network of canals, ditches and ponds were found, which were arranged neatly and orderly that depicts the area as a man-made. It is believed that at least for certain timespan, the center of Sriwijaya Kingdom in Palembang was located at this site. Archeologists found many ancient relics that indicate this area was once a center of human settlement and activities.
Other museum in Palembang is Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Museum which is on the riverbank of Musi, situated at Jalan Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin No. 2 – Palembang. In this museum you can visually enjoy a collection of 556 artifacts, ranging from the legacy of the Kingdom of Srivijaya to the Darussalam Sultanate era of Palembang. Another museum not to be missed is the Museum Balaputradewa which houses about 3580 collectibles divided into a number of categories; historical (stories), ethnography, feology, ceramics, tools of modern technology, art (in the form of engravings), flora and fauna (biological diversity) and geology as well as the traditional Limas House, as well as the house of Ulu Al.
12. Siguntang Hill (Bukit Siguntang) Tour
Siguntang Hill, the highest point in the landscape of Palembang City, had been known to store some important historical heritages from the heyday of Srivijaya Kingdom. Siguntang Hill is one of the most visited religious tourism site in South Sumatera. Statues, stupas and inscriptions have been found here.
No wonder Bukit Siguntang become religious tourism destination. A 2,77 meters tall Buddha statue made of granite (not naturally available anywhere in or near Palembang) was located in this place, which has been relocated to the frontyard of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Museum. Some findings from Bukit Siguntang are stored in the National Museum, such as the large head of a Buddha statue which received inspiration from Pala Art Style flourished in North India.
In ancient times, the hill is believed to be used as a place to perform religious ceremonies. During the era of Palembang Kingdom (prior to Darussalam Sultanate era), Bukit Siguntang was considered a sacred and charismatic place. Now, the area has been declared as one of the conserved regions in Palembang. However, Siguntang Hill occasionally becomes very crowded. Sigentar Alam Warlord, Kembang Dadar Princess, Rambut Selako Princess, Bagus Kuning Commander and Bagus Karang Commander were believed to be royal families and other public figures of ancient time, that were buried here. During the Buddhist holidays, the area is usually crowded, like during the Vesak festival.
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This park was established in the Dutch Colonial period, in line with the plan of the Regent (Mayor) of Palembang at that time who wanted to transform Palembang as a garden city similar to Bandung City in East Java, which had already became a famously beautiful garden city amongst the Dutch East Indies. That was why in year 1900, Talang Semut area was transformed “as green as possible” by planting large trees that shade. There is also a park built as a gathering place and recreation place for Dutch citizens who lived in Palembang. Even until now, the shady trees still stands strong, giving the beautiful green atmosphere to the region. The area also features colonial architecture houses which make Talang Semut and Kambang Iwak Park of the favorite places of Palembang residents to unwind/ hangout or have picnics.
10. Kampung Kapitan (Captain’s Village)
Kampung Kapitan is located in the First Upper Riverbank District of Palembang, in the riverbank of Musi. The village has a still-visible long story of acculturation that has occurred since hundreds of years ago. This place is a symbol of diversity and harmony between religious communities and citizens of various customs and ethnics. Upon entering this 20-hectares area, we will feel as if we stood in the old days of Palembang’s life during 16th to 18th centuries. Many ancient buildings are still authentic, surviving in the midst of recent modernization; whereas the unique architecture of the building has stood for about about 2 centuries long.
One of the uniqueness of the houses in Kampung Kapitan is on their design which is a mix of architectural styles from the Netherlands, Palembang and China. “Kapitan” itself comes from calling given to a Chinese Captain in Palembang by the name Tjoa Ham Hin. He was the last Chinese Captain who lived in the former kingdom of Srivijaya. Viewing Ham Hin’s ancesstral lineage, it can be concluded that this village had existed even before 1850 BC; as he was the tenth generation from the first settlers. You can walk around and see the Kapitan Village comprising 15 groups of house buildings on stilts. The most interesting is the third Kapitan’s ancient house overlooking Musi River.
11. Tourism Museums

Sriwijaya Museum Archaeological Park or formerly known as Karanganyar Archeological Site is a former settlement area comprising parks and gardens associated with the Srivijaya Kingdom located North of Musi in Palembang, South Sumatera. In this area, a network of canals, ditches and ponds were found, which were arranged neatly and orderly that depicts the area as a man-made. It is believed that at least for certain timespan, the center of Sriwijaya Kingdom in Palembang was located at this site. Archeologists found many ancient relics that indicate this area was once a center of human settlement and activities.
Other museum in Palembang is Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Museum which is on the riverbank of Musi, situated at Jalan Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin No. 2 – Palembang. In this museum you can visually enjoy a collection of 556 artifacts, ranging from the legacy of the Kingdom of Srivijaya to the Darussalam Sultanate era of Palembang. Another museum not to be missed is the Museum Balaputradewa which houses about 3580 collectibles divided into a number of categories; historical (stories), ethnography, feology, ceramics, tools of modern technology, art (in the form of engravings), flora and fauna (biological diversity) and geology as well as the traditional Limas House, as well as the house of Ulu Al.
12. Siguntang Hill (Bukit Siguntang) Tour
Siguntang Hill, the highest point in the landscape of Palembang City, had been known to store some important historical heritages from the heyday of Srivijaya Kingdom. Siguntang Hill is one of the most visited religious tourism site in South Sumatera. Statues, stupas and inscriptions have been found here.
No wonder Bukit Siguntang become religious tourism destination. A 2,77 meters tall Buddha statue made of granite (not naturally available anywhere in or near Palembang) was located in this place, which has been relocated to the frontyard of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Museum. Some findings from Bukit Siguntang are stored in the National Museum, such as the large head of a Buddha statue which received inspiration from Pala Art Style flourished in North India.
In ancient times, the hill is believed to be used as a place to perform religious ceremonies. During the era of Palembang Kingdom (prior to Darussalam Sultanate era), Bukit Siguntang was considered a sacred and charismatic place. Now, the area has been declared as one of the conserved regions in Palembang. However, Siguntang Hill occasionally becomes very crowded. Sigentar Alam Warlord, Kembang Dadar Princess, Rambut Selako Princess, Bagus Kuning Commander and Bagus Karang Commander were believed to be royal families and other public figures of ancient time, that were buried here. During the Buddhist holidays, the area is usually crowded, like during the Vesak festival.
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