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6 Jul 2013

The 3rd Islamic Solidarity Games 2013

The Islamic Solidarity Games is a multinational, multi-sport event. The Games involve the elite athletes of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference. The Islamic Solidarity Games Federation (ISSF) is the organisation that is responsible for the direction and control of the Islamic Solidarity Games

ISG first event held in 2005 in Saudi Arabia and this time there were 57 members of the Organization of Islamic Conference. Non-Muslim citizens in member states are also allowed to take part in the Olympics.

The second ISG event was originally scheduled to take place in October 2009 in Iran, and then re-scheduled to be implemented in April 2010, was canceled after a dispute between Iran and the Arab World for the use of the term Persian Gulf on the logo for the Olympics, because few countries in the world Arabs used the term “Arabian Gulf” to refer to the Persian Gulf. Disputes over the name has become a source of disharmony between the Arab countries and Iran.

3rd ISG 2013
The 3rd ISG events will take place on 22 September to 1 October 2013 in Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia. South Sumatra was appointed to host the SEA Games XXVI/2011 have gained legal protection in the form of an official determination of the ISG as the host of the president through Presidential Decree (Decree) on July 29, 2013. Executive committee has been formed to run this event with the official website 

ISG 2013 followed by 44 participating countries which will feature 13 sports are: athletics, swimming, archery, badminton, basketball, soccer, karate, taekwondo, tennis, volleyball, beach volleyball, weightlifting and wushu. That recorded about 1,743 athletes, officials, 589 people will take part in the event. ISG sporting event itself begins a week before the opening of which is from September 15, 2013.

Indonesian target in the ISG III is to improve the achievement of the first ISG at Saudi Arabia in 2005. In that event Indonesia reach 18th ranked with one gold, one silver, two bronze. 
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