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8 Jul 2013

Tajikistan (TJK)

Official Name : Republic of Tajikistan | Common Name : Tajikistan | Capital : Dushanbe | President : Emomalii Rahmon | Prime Minister : Oqil Oqilov | Width of State : 143,100 km2 | Population : 7,564,500 | Tajikistan on Wikipedia

Force Prediction for Tajikistan in ISG 2013

Acquiring a gold along with 1 bronze in the first ISG on 2005 has earned Tajikistan the 19th position. Not dwelling on disappointments, Tajikistan had improved their situation to a slightly higher degree. The evidence for this claim can and have been seen in the last Asian Games (2010) whereas Tajikistan secured a gold and 3 bronzes. The gold was grabbesd by Dilshod Nazarov (athletics) while the 3 bronzes were coming from the hard work of Rasul Boqiev (judo); Murodjon Tuychiev (wrestling) and Jakhon Qurbonov (boxing). Unfortunately judo, wrestling and boxing will not be contested in ISG 2013.

Yet it is reasonable for Tajikistan to expect medals from other sports, like swimming, whereas they will rely on the deployment of Katerina Izmaylova, Farkhod Negmatov and Alisher Gulov. Athletics will also receive strengthening from Vladislava Ovcharenko. All of these are veterans from the 2012 Olympics.

For karate, one of Tajikistan’s strong points will be their gold grabber in the East Asia-Pacific Karate-Do Championships on 2007 in Dushambe. While for taekwondo, their reliance will be rested on the shoulders of Masrour Sattorov, Daler Sharifi, Rustam Ulmasov and Shahlo Muhammadrahimova who have secured 8 golds in the ITF World Championships on 2007.

For football, Tajikistan has not been known to be tense-inducing. Regardless, they had their moment of glory in the AFC Challenge Cup by seizing the champion title on 2006, runner up on 2008, and third position in the 2010 establishment.

Compiled by Sportnews Magazine, South Sumatera Sports Committee (KONI Sumsel)
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