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4 Aug 2013

1,759 Athletes Ready to Enliven ISG III

Governor of South Sumatra, Alex Noerdin
South Sumatra Governor Alex Noerdin claimed to have been ready to host the Games Islamic Solidarity Games (ISG) in Palembang III is scheduled to be held on 22 September to 1 October next.

In organizing the event, Alex received funds from the state budget of Rp 131 billion. This fund was reduced from the original plan of Rp 200 billion due to budget savings in every department.

“For the budget we do not count because we have to be careful but we will be looking for sponsors,” said Alex Noerdin when visiting menit.tv editorial on Saturday (3/8).

Alex explained approximately 1,759 athletes and 624 offisial will take part in the ISG to-III. There are 13 sports that will be competed.

Therefore Alex prepared a place for all those who come from each delegation gets comfortable place. Alex also said he would anticipate the habits of the people of the Kingdom of Saudi who like booking a hotel own way.

“We’re going to make rules about it. All rooms should be,” he said.

In the ISG, the countries that have participated include ensuring the Maldives, Syria, Oman, Brunei Darussalam, Iraq, Sudan, Kuwait, Bahrain, Tunisia, Iran, Gambia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Azerbaijan, Suriname, Mozambique, Albania, Algeria, Guinea, Turkey, and Indonesia.
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