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7 Sept 2013

Indonesia Had a Chance Three Golds in Wushu’s Sport of ISG III

Five athletes of the national team prepared ahead of the 3rd Islamic Solidarity Games in Palembang, September 22nd – October 1st, 2013.
The fifth national team athletes include Ivana Ardilia will come down in numbers of Nan Quan (Southern Style), Tai Chi quan in number Swel Lind (Shadow Style), Tai Chi jian (Sword), Freddy in Taichi Quan and Tai Chi Jian, Yohanes in Nan Quan, and Ahmad Hulaifi will come down in numbers Chang Quan (Northern spanking).

Indonesia optimistic taht three to six golds could be achieved because of the Vietnam and Chinese athletes during the main competitor did not take part.

South Sumatra Wushu’s coach, Ahmad Yani, Saturday (09/07) to RRI (Radio Republik Indonesia) said, Indonesia is very possibility in number of art, but in number of fight so difficult because lost in terms of posture.

According to Ahmad Yani, red and white team in the 3rd Islamic Solidarity Games in Palembang will follow 22 numbers of contested includes 10 category numbers sparring and 12 number category of the race.

18 countries that follow the sport branch of wushu in 3rd Islamic Slidarity Games such as Indonesia, Brunei Darusalam, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Tarjikistan, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Sinegal, Uganda and Burkina Faso.
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